Oban West Highland Yachting Week 2018

With the Scottish Association for Marine Science and Invisible Dust, we trained 12 early career ocean researchers and empowered them to deliver innovative public science outreach in Oban in 2018.

As part of our NERC-funded ‘Future of Our Seas’ consortium - alongside key academic partners - we helped train researchers from Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Oban in new ways of thinking about, and in particular in new ways of delivering, public engagement. This culminated with a two-day event, using our OceanDOME, where their outreach to locals, visitors and visiting yachties, was evaluated.

Topics covered included: medicines from the ocean; hydro-thermal vents; cold water corals; underwater acoustics; climate change; and more, whilst media coverage included local press and BBC TV.

Our partners in Future of Our Seas are: Scottish Association for Marine Science; Invisible Dust; Marine Biological Association; Plymouth University Marine Institute; JNCC; Kings College London; and Edinburgh University.
